Eric Hennart introduces to you his prestigious selection of French raw milk cheeses."

Owing to its wide variety of climates and landscapes France offers as many cheese varieties as there are regions. With 30 years experience, Eric HENNART is the successor of a three generations family know-how and do cross the country endlessly to find new raw milk farm cheese producers. These ancestral secrets are the foundation of the reputation of Hennart Cheeses. 

By drawing on this experience of pastures, cattle breeds and tradition Eric Hennart selects for you the very best cheeses of perfect texture which will provide products of unrivalled character, fragrances and flavours respectful of origin.

Efficient, modern transport and use of modern technology ensures that young cheeses arrive at the Hennart cellars as they left the farm. Here, each cheese is given the care appropriate to its variety. Soft or hard cheeses, fermented or fresh, the cheeses are handled with the utmost care, in order to render their full aromas and flavours.

Cheese marturing is an infinitely intricate process which requires as much skills as it does jealous care. Whether the cheese stays for a few days in temperature controlled rooms or for a long term maturation in cellars- up to 2 years in the case of Comté AOP, Beaufort AOP, Mimolette- the art of maturing requires a perfectly mastered craftsmanship allied to strict hygiene procedures and up to date technology. At Hennart all our maturing rooms are specifically designed to accomdate different varieties of cheese to ensure that they reach their maturity in agentle unhurried way. Nonetheless, everything that we do is fully in accordance with modern European hygiene regulations.
Gentle air conditioning, constant humidity, spaced racks, everything reflects on one passion, to achieve the highest quality products of the greatest finesse for the palate. This passion is shared by all our trained affineurs.



Once a cheese is matured it is given a personal touch with an original and attractive label which confers on it a final elegance. Orders are processed and packaged with the greatest care to ensure that cheeses arrive at your shop in perfect condition not just of flavour but of display. At Hennart we are proud that we guarantee delivery of cheeses into the United Kingdom within 48 hours of your order. This is the same standard that we give to the rest of Europe.

Beyond his traditional know-how, Eric Hennart and his team like to share their passion for the cheese. by conducting seminars on the cheese product handling techniques. Display and cutting techniques, tasting sessions, discovery of yesteryear’s techniques, Eric Hennart proves his ability on the subject once again.

Choosing cheeses from the Eric Hennart selection will assure you of a wide choice of cheese of natural flavours and gastronomic supremacy. This is a guarantee of a great family tradition, assuring you of the true «Bon goût Français».